Can pyrrhic be an adjective?

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pyrrhic Add to list Share. Use the adjective pyrrhic to describe a victory that is won, but at too great a cost. In this use as an adjective, the word is often capitalized. ... An ancient Greek war dance is also called a pyrrhic.

Is pyrrhic a word?

The pyrrhic (the word is both the noun and the adjective) is a metrical foot of two unaccented syllables. The meter is common in classical Greek poetry, but most modern scholars do not use the term. Rather than identify the pyrrhic as a separate meter, they prefer to attach the unaccented syllables to adjacent feet.

How do you use pyrrhic in a sentence?

Pyrrhic sentence example

To deny God at the cost of our very reason would be a pyrrhic victory indeed. To all appearances the victory of the papacy was decisive: but it was a Pyrrhic victory, as events were quickly to prove.

How do you spell pyrrhic?

Pyrrhic, pir′ik, n. a kind of war-dance among the ancient Greeks: a poetical foot consisting of two short syllables. The weak feet are those which have the most short syllables or end in a short syllable; as the Pyrrhic, the Trochee, the Tribrach.

What is a word for hollow victory?

hollow victory > synonyms

»pointless victory exp. ... »cadmean victory exp. & idi.

Vocabulary (Pyrrhic) | Word of the day | Meaning | Adjective |

22 related questions found

What is the opposite of a Pyrrhic victory?

The opposite of a Pyrrhic victory is an Irenic victory. Pyrrhic is about victory at all or every cost. An Irenic victory is not so much about victory but resolution for both sides.

What does Unavailingly mean?

: not availing : futile, useless.

What do the word Pyrrhic mean?

: achieved at excessive cost a Pyrrhic victory also : costly to the point of negating or outweighing expected benefits a great but Pyrrhic act of ingenuity.

When did clew become clue?


By the 17th century, the universal reverence that later writers held towards Chaucer led to the figurative use of “clew of thread” as an expression for any guidance that would lead to a solution for a puzzle, problem or difficulty. It came to mean, quite literally, “that which points the way.”

What is an example of a Pyrrhic victory?

Pyrrhic victory is a victory or success that comes at the expense of great losses or costs. In business, examples of such a victory could include succeeding at a hostile takeover bid or winning a lengthy and expensive lawsuit.

Why is it called a Pyrrhic victory?

We define Pyrrhic victory as “a victory that is not worth winning because so much is lost to achieve it.” The word comes from the name of Pyrrhus, a long-ago king of Epirus, who suffered heavy losses in defeating the Romans at Asculum in Apulia in 279 B.C.E.

What is quixotic in a sentence?

Definition of Quixotic. unrealistic and impractical. Examples of Quixotic in a sentence. 1. Although Jack's plan for killing the giant was quixotic, it was the village's only hope.

What means disenchanted?

: no longer happy, pleased, or satisfied : disappointed, dissatisfied disenchanted voters/workers/fans But midway through his architectural training at the Rhode Island School of Design, he grew disenchanted with the pretentious edifice of postmodern design.—

At what cost means?

or at what cost. DEFINITIONS1. used for saying that it may not have been worth doing something because so much has been lost or damaged as a result.

What is a dolorous?

noun. a female given name: from a Latin word meaning “ sorrows”

What type of allusion is Pyrrhic victory?

What's the origin of the phrase 'Pyrrhic victory'?

The Epiriotic forces, although they won the battle, suffered severe losses of the elite of their army. The phrase 'pyrrhic victory' is an allusion to the battle.

What does ineffectually mean?

1 : not producing the proper or intended effect : futile. 2 : ineffective sense 2. Other Words from ineffectual Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More About ineffectual.

Is Unavailingly a word?

adj. Not availing; ineffectual or useless: "I knew that resistance was hopeless, and complaint unavailing" (Shiva Naipaul). See Synonyms at futile. un′a·vail′ing·ly adv.

What does abortive mean in English?

1 obsolete : prematurely born. 2 : fruitless, unsuccessful. 3 : imperfectly formed or developed.

How do you avoid Pyrrhic victory?

There are a few ways to avoid the pyrrhic victory, and certainly many more than are listed:
  • Recognize that the achievement is pyrrhic at the outset. Easier said than done, right? ...
  • Learn when to cut your losses. Never catch a falling knife. ...
  • Have a backup plan. Before you start anything, have a backup plan.
  • What does it mean to lose the battle but win the war?

    phrase. DEFINITIONS1. to not achieve a minor victory but at the same time succeed in achieving something much more important.

    What is the full meaning of victory?

    1 : the overcoming of an enemy or antagonist. 2 : achievement of mastery or success in a struggle or endeavor against odds or difficulties.

    What is narrow victory?

    From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English narrow victory/defeat/majority/margin etc a victory etc that is only just achieved or happens by only a small amount → slim The president won a narrow victory in the election.
