Do i have an upflow or downflow furnace?
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Furnaces located in an attic or upper story are most likely downflow furnaces. When it's located in the basement or crawlspace of the home, you likely have an upflow furnace.
Where would an upflow furnace usually be found?
It's typically used in basement, closet and attic installations. Upflow, or vertically configured furnace installations are among the most common in North American homes, which is why Lennox carries some of the shortest gas furnaces available.
When should you use a downflow furnace?
If your home has a low attic, a furnace installed for horizontal flow is the next-best choice. In short, a downflow furnace is the energy-efficiency choice in climates where the cooling season is long, warm and/or humid.
What's downflow furnace?
A downflow furnace takes in cold air at the top of the unit and expels air at the bottom. By doing this, the downflow furnace directs heat downwards towards the area that requires it. This makes downflow furnaces naturally suited to being installed in attics.
What is a highboy furnace?
Upflow furnaces can also be described as a “highboy” or a “lowboy”. For the homeowner, the important distinction between the two is that the lowboy is shorter — typically around 4 feet in height. The lowboy can be installed in low-ceiling basements. A highboy furnace is typically around 6 feet in height.
Understanding HVAC System Configuration
32 related questions foundCan you install a downflow furnace upside down?
Look at the burners, label on furnace means nothing if upside down. According to the installations instructions for the 355MAV it is a 4 way multipoise installation. Meaning: Upflow, downflow, left horizontal or right horizontal installation allowed.
How do you determine the upflow on a downflow furnace?
These terms refer to the direction the air flows as it is taken in and heated by the furnace. So in an upflow furnace, the cool air is taken in at the bottom, warmed, and then expelled at the top. A downflow furnace, on the other hand, takes in cool air at the top and expels heated air at the bottom.
Which furnace has both its supply and return ductwork on the top of the furnace?
Downflow furnaces receive air intake at the top, heating the cool return air, and then pushing the newly heated air down through the supply ducts. Downflow furnaces are installed in homes that don't have a basement.
Is used as the medium to convey the heat in a furnace?
There is a fuel used to produce combustion; and. Heat is transferred to the interior air. Note that air – not water or steam – is used as the medium to convey the heat. This characteristic distinguishes warm-air heating systems from other types of heating systems.
Can a furnace be laid on its side?
Up-flow/horizontal and down-flow/horizontal furnaces can be installed horizontally, but the airflow direction in them can't be changed. ... These furnaces and air handlers can be installed either horizontally or vertically, and the air flow can be changed to fit the home's needs.
How does a counterflow furnace work?
Counterflow/Horizontal furnaces can be mounted horizontally where height restrictions are paramount. In a counterflow furnace, cold air is drawn in from the top and warm air is released out the bottom. ECM Blower Motor provides for increased energy savings.
What does AFUE stand for?
AFUE stands for Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency – a measure of the efficiency of your furnace that's a bit like MPG for your car. A furnace's AFUE rating represents how much fuel it can convert into usable heat on a scale between 30 and 100.
How do you read a furnace serial number?
The serial number is made up of a letter followed by a nine-digit number. The second and third letters represent the year; the fourth and fifth numbers represent the week. There may be a date stamp to the right of the serial number. The first six digits are the Unit Identity Number.
How long will furnace last?
A well-maintained furnace can last at least 15 to 20 years, but completing annual maintenance and being diligent with repairs can extend its life even longer.
What is the difference between upflow and downflow furnaces?
What's the difference? Getting right to it, the fundamental difference between the two is in the direction of air flow in and out of the furnace. A Upflow furnace takes in existing air from the bottom of the furnace and blows out filtered warm/cool air through the top. A downflow furnace works in the opposite way.
How do you tell if a vent is a return?
You can identify return vents by turning on the system fan and holding your hand or a piece of paper up. If the paper is pulled toward the vent or you feel a suction effect, it's a return vent.
What is the vent on the side of my furnace?
The heated air side starts at the furnace, goes through the heat exchanger and then travels through the vents. ... For the homeowner, the most important side to know is the cold air return. This is the side where the filter is, and the filter needs to be changed on a regular basis.
Which type of furnace takes in return air from the top and forces it out near the bottom?
Which type of furnace takes in return air from the top and forces it out near the bottom? Downflow.
Can a downflow furnace to upflow?
Upflow Furnaces. Upflow furnaces work in the opposite way from downflow furnaces. Although the basics of how a furnace works are generally the same, the airflow direction through the HVAC system is the opposite.
Why would a furnace be installed upside down?
A: Short answer: New models of furnaces allow this upside-down installation. Why is that? ... Conversely, if the return side is physically at the bottom of the furnace, the cold air enters from below, the furnace heats it, and the hot air is propelled into the supply side above the furnace.
What are the 4 types of gas furnace airflow patterns?
The four types of gas furnace air flow patterns are? Upflow, downflow, horizontal left and horizontal right.
Which type of furnace does not use a blower?
Natural draft furnaces can work on almost any fuel type, have few controls and do not come with a blower.
How old is my Thermo Pride furnace?
The date of production/manufacture or age of Thermo Pride® HVAC equipment can be determined from the “Year built” date (when provided) located on the data plate. Otherwise, contacting the manufacturer is necessary.