How is a bibliographic database constructed?

Score: 4.9/5 (2 votes) The method of creating a locally maintained bibliographic database involved twelve relatively simple steps:
  • Develop a hedge search to retrieve relevant citations.
  • Search an online database to retrieve the citations.
  • Save the search results.
  • Import the search results into a reference management software application.

What is bibliographic database?

A bibliographic database contains bibliographic records. It is an organized collection of references to published digital literature, which includes conference proceedings, journals and newspaper articles, government and legal publications, patents, standards, reports, books, periodicals, etc.

What is bibliographic database example?

Examples of bibliographic databases include the GALILEO database Social Sciences Abstracts, or the Internet Movie Database on the World Wide Web. A full-text database provides the full-text of a publication. ... GOLD is an example of this kind of database.

What is bibliographic database PDF?

Bibliographic database reflects database of bibliographic records, organized digital collection of references to published literature, includes journal & newspaper articles, conference proceedings, reports, government and legal publications, patents, books, etc.

Is ebsco a bibliographic database?

Library Literature & Information Science Index is a bibliographic database covering essential library and information science journals. ... LISTA provides indexing and abstracting for hundreds of key journals, books, research reports. It is EBSCO's intention to provide access to this resource on a continual basis.


41 related questions found

Is ProQuest a database?

ProQuest is a collection of many databases that provide access to thousands of journals, magazines, newspapers, dissertations, and other publications.

How many databases are in EBSCOhost?

Its products include EBSCONET, a complete e-resource management system, and EBSCOhost, which supplies a fee-based online research service with 375 full-text databases, a collection of 600,000-plus ebooks, subject indexes, point-of-care medical references, and an array of historical digital archives.

Why is bibliographic database important?

A bibliographic database is a repository of bibliographic or publication records. It provides an index of journal articles from multiple journals, and includes citations, abstracts and often a link to the full text. Databases are available online, so they can be updated regularly and easily accessed.

Is Medline A bibliographic database?

Created by the United States National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE is an authoritative bibliographic database containing citations and abstracts for biomedical and health journals used by health care professionals, nurses, clinicians and researchers.

Are preprints GREY literature?

“There are many definitions of grey literature, but it is usually taken to mean literature that is not formally published in sources such as books or journal articles.” Cochrane Handbook- 6.2. 1.8 Grey literature databases. Formats include: ... Preprints (journal articles not yet peer-reviewed and/or published)

What are different types of database?

Types of Databases
  • 1) Centralized Database. It is the type of database that stores data at a centralized database system. ...
  • 2) Distributed Database. ...
  • 3) Relational Database. ...
  • 4) NoSQL Database. ...
  • 5) Cloud Database. ...
  • 6) Object-oriented Databases. ...
  • 7) Hierarchical Databases. ...
  • 8) Network Databases.

Is science direct a bibliographic database?

It is owned and managed by the Research Libraries Group (RLG) in the US. Its database contains over thirty million bibliographic records, with especially good coverage in areas such as non-book materials, archival materials and older material.

What is the largest online library?

Questia is the world's largest online library there is which offers high quality books, journals and literatures. It was the first 24/7 online library that has provided writing tools and note taking options for students and enthusiasts to quote, cite and create footnotes accordingly.

What are the different online databases?

Types of Online Databases
  • Bibliographic Databases. BIOSIS, CA Search, INSPEC, Medline.
  • Referral or Directory Databases. Chemsearch, D&B's Electronic Yellow Pages, Software Directory.

What is full bibliographic?

What is a bibliography? A bibliography is a list of works on a subject or by an author that were used or consulted to write a research paper, book or article. It can also be referred to as a list of works cited. It is usually found at the end of a book, article or research paper.

What databases does Scopus search?

Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature – scientific journals, books and conference proceedings.

What type of database is Embase?

Embase (Excerpta Medica Database) is a biomedical and pharmacological database produced by Elsevier B.V., containing more than 30 million records including articles from more than 8,500 journals published world-wide.

Is Cinahl a database?

The world's most comprehensive nursing and allied health research database, CINAHL provides full text for hundreds of journals indexed in the CINAHL database, and includes a higher number of records, additional journals, records dating back to 1937 and expanded content.

What is special purpose database?

Special-purpose DBMS: an email system is an example of a special-purpose DBMS; it performs many of the functions of a general-purpose DBMS but these functions are limited to what is required to handle email and don't provide the user with all of the functionality that would be available using a general-purpose DBMS.

How an online bibliographic database is different from a library Catalogue?

In contrast to library catalogue entries, a large proportion of the bibliographic records in bibliographic databases describe articles, conference papers, etc., rather than complete monographs, and they generally contain very rich subject descriptions in the form of keywords, subject classification terms, or abstracts.

What is called metadata?

Metadata. ... Metadata summarizes basic information about data, making finding & working with particular instances of data easier. Metadata can be created manually to be more accurate, or automatically and contain more basic information.

Where can I find free scholarly articles?

The Top 21 Free Online Journal and Research Databases
  • CORE. CORE is a multidisciplinary aggregator of open access research. ...
  • ScienceOpen. ...
  • Directory of Open Access Journals. ...
  • Education Resources Information Center. ...
  • arXiv e-Print Archive. ...
  • Social Science Research Network. ...
  • Public Library of Science. ...
  • OpenDOAR.
  • What databases does EBSCO have?

    • ABC-CLIO Academic Suite • Full Text.
    • ABC-CLIO Databases • Collection.
    • Abstracts in Social Gerontology.
    • Academic Search Alumni Edition • Full Text.
    • Academic Search Complete • Full Text.
    • Academic Search Elite • Full Text.
    • Academic Search Premier • Full Text.
    • Academic Search: Main Edition • Full Text.

    Is PubMed a database?

    PubMed is a free search engine accessing primarily the MEDLINE database of references and abstracts on life sciences and biomedical topics. The United States National Library of Medicine (NLM) at the National Institutes of Health maintain the database as part of the Entrez system of information retrieval.
