How much cal hypo to shock?

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The general recommendation is to use 1 pound of cal hypo shock for every 10,000 gallons of pool water, and 10 ounces of sodium hypo with around 12.5% chlorine to sanitize your pool. Make sure the pool water is at its normal level.

How much hypochlorite do I need to shock my pool?

A simple ratio and a standard rule of thumb to follow when you shock your pool is to dissolve one pound of either calcium hypochlorite or sodium dichlor for every 10,000 gallons of pool water.

Is Cal hypo the same as shock?

Dichlor Shock is typically white in color; Cal Hypo is typically white or gray in color. Dichlor Shock contains about 10% Cyanuric Acid, which protects the chlorine in the product. Cal Hypo Shock contains calcium, which allows it to be used as a maintenance or treatment product.

How much shock should I use?

To shock your pool, use 2 pounds of shock for every 10,000 gallons of water, which should raise your chlorine levels to 10.0 ppm. Depending on your pool, you can use either Leslie's Power Powder Plus or Leslie's Chlor Brite.

Should I backwash after shocking pool?

Backwash only as needed. Brush the pool vigorously, several times after shocking the pool. Do not use a solar blanket until chlorine and pH level are normal. ... Improve filtration with a pool filter cleaner or filter aid like Jack's Filter Fiber.

Di-Chlor vs Cal-Hypo : What is best to shock your pool?

40 related questions found

Can you put too much shock in a pool?

Can you put too much shock in a pool? SKIMMER NOTES: It's unlikely but it could happen. It would take a lot of shock to really make the water unsafe for swimming. The best way to make sure you're safe to swim is to test your pool water and make sure free chlorine levels are between 1-4ppm for healthy swimming.

Does Cal hypo go bad?

Calcium Hypochlorite, aka pool shock or granular chlorine also has a long shelf life, if kept in an air tight container, in a cool and dry (indoor) location. ... Properly stored, pool shock has a shelf life of over 5 years.

What's the difference between burnout and smart shock?

What is the difference between burnout73 and smart shock? ... Burnout 73 uses a different santiziting chemical (cal hypo). Its also a lot stronger. Smart Shock has other ingredients that are to reduce cloudy water, algae, etc.

Does shock have CYA?

Shock is actually mixed with something called Cyanuric acid, which is a chemical you want to have in your pool but if the only product that you're using is shock then what you're doing is continuously putting Cyanuric acid in your pool. ... Cyanuric acid does not have that obstacle to overcome so it stays in your water.

What does Cal hypo do to a pool?

Cal hypo has a neutral pH that can reduce the need for auxiliary treatment chemicals. When mixed with water, cal hypo has a pH of 10.8, making it easier to maintain the optimum pool water pH of 7.2—7.6 when compared to pH extremes of other forms of chlorine.

Can I add shock and chlorine at the same time?

It Should Not Be Done Together

This is because when you mix chlorine and algaecide together, it renders both of them useless. Hence, you should first shock the pool and wait for the chlorine levels to fall below 5 PPM.

What time of day should I shock my pool?

The best time of day to shock your pool is in the evening. This is because the sun's rays can affect the effectiveness of the chlorine by dissolving it too quickly, before it has a chance to rid the pool of contaminants and clean the water.

How long should you run filter after shocking pool?

Vacuuming After Shock

Shock the pool with either the liquid or granulated chlorine shocks. Let the filter run for 24 hours before adding any other chemicals.

Can you over chlorinate a pool?

Chlorine, either solid or liquid, is a pesticide used in pools to destroy germs, including those from feces, urine, saliva and other substances. But excessive exposure to chlorine can cause sickness and injuries, including rashes, coughing, nose or throat pain, eye irritation and bouts of asthma, health experts warn.

How often should you shock your pool?

It's often recommended to shock your pool once a week. If you don't do it every week, you should at least do it every other week. This is necessary to maintain your pool's water chemistry. If you have a lot of people over in your pool or have a party, you may want to shock your pool more frequently.

What is the difference between Burnout 3 and Burnout 73?

Burnout 3 and Burnout 73 (which has all but replaced Burnout 3), are calcium based and should be predissolved before adding to the pool. Burnout 73 actually has more chlorine in it and treats more gallons per pound. ... Burnout 73 actually has more chlorine in it and treats more gallons per pound.

Does Burnout 73 raise pH?

This product will raise the pH of pool water. For best results, test your pool water prior to addition of this product. If your pH measures 7.4 or higher, adjust it downward so that it is between 7.2 to 7.4.

How long after adding burnout Can you swim?

How Long Do I Have To Wait To Swim After Adding Pool Chemicals? It is recommended to wait at least 20 minutes to an hour after adding water balancing chemicals. You should wait 2-4 hours (or one full cycle through the filter) to swim from the moment you use calcium chloride in your pool.

Does Cal Hypo raise chlorine levels?

You also must consider how each sanitizer affects the water's balance. In addition to raising available chlorine, cal hypo boosts pH, alkalinity and calcium hardness (CH) levels. Trichlor has the opposite effect on pH and alkalinity — reducing it. And where cal hypo affects CH, trichlor increases cyanuric acid (CYA).

Does Cal Hypo make pool cloudy?

“Cal-hypo” as we call it in the pool industry is highly basic or high on the pH scale. This high pH means it causes cloudiness when introduced to pool water. ... Think of cow's milk (basic, high pH) compared to lemon juice (acidic, low pH). Remedy: Run your filter continuously to turn over the water and clear it.

Can you put Cal Hypo in the skimmer?

For commercial pools, both Pulsar and CCH have feeders designed for use with the slow dissolve cal hypo tablets. For residential pools, the tablets should only be used in the skimmer to avoid potential contact with incompatible trichlor tablets.

Will Shock clear a green pool?

Remember that shocking alone does not clear up a green or cloudy pool; that is what the filter is for. It doesn't matter how much shock you put in the pool if you have a bad filter.

Why is my pool still green after shocking it?

When shock chlorine oxidizes the copper, it turns green and that's what you're seeing in the pool. To get rid of it you'll need to raise the pool's calcium hardness by adding calcium chloride. ... Pollen floats around in the water, so it's easy enough to remove by skimming, filtering, and brushing your pool clean.

Can you shock a pool during the day?

A: You can shock your pool during the day, even though it is not recommended. The best time to do it is after the sun goes down because direct sunlight lowers the free chlorine levels. However, if you can't avoid shocking your pool during the day, you should add a chlorine stabilizer in order for it to work.
