How to use simply in a sentence?

Score: 4.1/5 (29 votes) Simply sentence example
  • People simply cannot move that fast. ...
  • Maybe Katie was simply trying to stay out of trouble. ...
  • He had simply avoided it. ...
  • Maybe he was simply tired. ...
  • I simply want to follow his lead. ...
  • Was he going somewhere or simply exercising the horse? ...
  • Can't you simply ask his mother what he does for a living?
  • How do you use simply word?

    You use simply to emphasize that something consists of only one thing, happens for only one reason, or is done in only one way. The table is simply a chipboard circle on a base. Most of the damage that's occurred was simply because of fallen trees.

    Is simply a correct word?

    merely; only: It is simply a cold. unwisely; foolishly: If you behave simply toward him, you're bound to be betrayed. wholly; absolutely: simply irresistible.

    How do you use simply because?

    Short & Simple Example Sentence For Simply Because | Simply Because Sentence
  • Simply because the machine is at fault.
  • It was simply because it annoyed me.
  • Simply because they have been let alone.
  • Simply because he got no support.
  • Simply because the channel was mined.
  • Simply because the lower lights had gone out.
  • What does simply because mean?

    2 merely; only. 3 absolutely; altogether; really.

    German Sentence Structure Explained in 10 Minutes | Easy German 284

    22 related questions found

    Can we use cause instead of because?

    Cos, a short form of because, is pronounced /kəz/ or /kɒz/ and can also be spelt 'cause. It can be used instead of because (and cos of instead of because of).

    What kind of word is simply?

    simply adverb (EASY)

    What is the class of Word simply?

    Simply is an adverb - Word Type.

    What is the verb for simply?

    simplify. (transitive) To make simpler, either by reducing in complexity, reducing to component parts, or making easier to understand. To become simpler.

    What is the difference between simple and simply?

    “Simply” is an adverb; it modifies verbs, adjectives, etc. “Simple” is an adjective; it modifies nouns.

    What does simply beautiful mean?

    2 merely; only. 3 absolutely; altogether; really. a simply wonderful holiday.

    How do you use humbly?

    in a miserly manner.
  • The cloud stood humbly in a corner of the sky. ...
  • I do apologize most humbly.
  • We humbly beg Your Majesty to show mercy.
  • "I'm a lucky man, undeservedly lucky," he said humbly.
  • "You must be right, Sir," said John humbly.
  • He was humbly born.
  • 'Sorry,' she said humbly.
  • What is the noun of simply?

    Word family (noun) simplicity simplification simpleton (adjective) simple simplistic (verb) simplify (adverb) simply simplistically.

    What words are used in simple sentences?

    A simple sentence has the most basic elements that make it a sentence: a subject, a verb, and a completed thought. Examples of simple sentences include the following: Joe waited for the train. The train was late.

    What is the root word for simply?

    "plain, decent; friendly, sweet; naive, foolish, stupid," hence "wretched, miserable," from Latin simplus from PIE compound *sm-plo-, from root *sem- (1) "one; as one, together with" + *-plo- "-fold." Sense of "free from pride, humble, meek" is mid-13c.

    What can I use instead of simply?

    • calmly.
    • comfortably.
    • competently.
    • conveniently.
    • coolly.
    • dexterously.
    • efficiently.
    • effortlessly.

    Do not simply meaning?

    Alluding to a quote from a Lord of the Rings movie, One does not simply is the catchphrase of popular memes that comment on humorous, complex, challenging, or aggravating experiences or situations.

    What does simply the best mean?

    1 in a simple manner. 2 merely; only. 3 absolutely; altogether; really.

    What is the meaning of live simply?

    Living simply is paring away — stuff, obligations, expectations, people. It's removing all the glut and rubble from your life, making space in your house, your heart, your brain and your life for exactly and only what you need.

    Can Because be an answer?

    Senior Member. "Because." is often used when someone has a reason but does not what to tell you what it is. i.e. [You can't come] because [I don't want you to, you're too young, etc.] Sometimes, when answering children's questions, one might say "Just because!" which implies "I don't have to, or I can't, explain!"

    Does cause mean because?

    The word because will NORMALLY come after a verb, and it works like an adverbial clause. The word "cause" can be a noun, and can, therefore, come right after the word "the". The word "because" will not come after the word "the".

    Is it correct to say the reason is because?

    'The Reason Is Because': Redundant But Acceptable. ... The fact is because does not always mean "for the reason that." It can also be understood to mean "the fact that" or simply "that." With either of these meanings substituted in the phrase, the phrase "the reason is because" makes sense and is not necessarily redundant.

    What are nouns give 10 examples?

    Here are some examples: person: man, woman, teacher, John, Mary. place: home, office, town, countryside, America. thing: table, car, banana, money, music, love, dog, monkey.
