Is there such a word as analogously?

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a·nal·o·gous. adj. 1. Similar or alike in such a way as to permit the drawing of an analogy.

What does analogously mean?

: similar or comparable to something else either in general or in some specific detail Timbre in music is analogous to color in painting.—

How do you use analogously?

Analogously, motivation is not seen but is manifested in emotion: in arousal, expression, experience. In this case, he would analogously have to say that the phrase three boys generates no proper alternatives. List vertex colourings and list edge colourings are defined analogously.

Can analogous be a noun?

analogue (Can we add an example for this sense?) (philosophy) According to Sartre, an equivalent of perception (such as a painting or a mental image) that is necessary for the process of imagination to take place.

What is the synonyms of analogous?

The words parallel and similar are common synonyms of analogous.

What is the meaning of the word ANALOGOUSLY?

44 related questions found

What does analogous words mean?

Use the adjective analogous to describe something that is similar to something else and can be compared to another. Analogous things can be compared to each other, so a near synonym is the adjective comparable. ... Analogous is from Latin analogus, from Greek analogos, meaning "according to a proper ratio or proportion."

What is an analogous trait?

Analogous structures are traits shared by species that live in the same environment but are not related to each other.

Which is the closest antonym for the word analogous?

antonyms for analogous
  • alien.
  • disconnected.
  • dissimilar.
  • unlike.
  • unrelated.
  • disagreeing.
  • disparate.
  • unalike.

What's a analogous structure?

Analogous structures are features of different species that are similar in function but not necessarily in structure and which do not derive from a common ancestral feature (compare to homologous structures) and which evolved in response to a similar environmental challenge.

What is analogous situation?

In market research, analogous situations are sometimes used to consider a product or service which cannot be tested directly. ... Analogous situations are a method offered by DJS Research Ltd to add insight in to numerous business problems, in particular they are commonly used in new product development.

What is the meaning of analogous color?

Analogous colors means the color grouping has similarities. These color scheme types have close relationships to one another. Here are a few examples of analogous color schemes: Yellow, yellow-green, green. Violet, red-violet, and red.

What is an analogous example?

Analogy, in biology, similarity of function and superficial resemblance of structures that have different origins. For example, the wings of a fly, a moth, and a bird are analogous because they developed independently as adaptations to a common function—flying.

What does homogeneously mean?

1 : of the same or a similar kind or nature. 2 : of uniform structure or composition throughout a culturally homogeneous neighborhood.

What is the word for something that looks like something else?

mirror image. noun. someone or something that looks very like another person or thing.

What is the meaning of Commensurability?

1 : having a common measure specifically : divisible without remainder by a common unit. 2 : commensurate sense 1.

Which are analogous organs?

Analogous organs are the opposite of homologous organs, which have similar functions but different origins. An example of an analogous trait would be the wings of insects, bats and birds that evolved independently in each lineage separately after diverging from an ancestor without wings.

How can you tell the difference between homologous and analogous structures?

Definition. Homologous structures are structures that evolve in living organisms that have a common ancestor. Analogous structures are those that evolve independently in different living organisms but have a similar or the same function.

Why are wings analogous?

Bird and bat wings are analogous — that is, they have separate evolutionary origins, but are superficially similar because they have both experienced natural selection that shaped them to play a key role in flight. Analogies are the result of convergent evolution.

What are analogous structures for kids?

Organisms that have evolved along different paths may have analogous structures—that is, anatomical features that are superficially similar to one another (e.g., the wings of birds and insects). Although such structures serve similar functions, they have quite different evolutionary origins and developmental patterns.

What does antonym mean in English?

English Language Learners Definition of antonym

: a word with a meaning that is opposite to the meaning of another word.

What is the synonym of recognize?

In this page you can discover 67 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for recognize, like: know, identify, recall, have diplomatic relations with, spot, admit knowledge of, appreciate, concede, accept, recollect and overlook.

What is a antonym for analogy?

analogy. Antonyms: disproportion, dissimilarity, disharmony, irrelativeness, heterogeneousness, incongruity, inaffinity. Synonyms: relation, resemblance, proportion, similarity, similitude, coincidence, affinity, comparison, parity.

What is an analogous relationship?

a similarity between like features of two things, on which a comparison may be based: the analogy between the heart and a pump. ... an analogous relationship.

Do humans have analogous structures?

Analogous structures, as pointed earlier, are structures having a similar or corresponding function but the two species under probe should not share the same evolutionary origin. The forelimbs of mammals, such as humans and bats, are homologous structures.

What are three examples of analogous structures?

Analogous Structures Examples Within Nature
  • Bird, Insect and Bat Wings. ...
  • Fish and Penguin Fins/Flippers. ...
  • Duck and Platypus Bills. ...
  • Cacti and Poinsettia Plant Structures. ...
  • Crab and Turtle Shells. ...
  • Turtle and Bird Beaks. ...
  • Octopus and Human Eyes. ...
  • Shark and Dolphin Coloring.
