Should you repeat commands to dogs?

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Training lore back to the dawn of time has it that you should never repeat your cues (“commands”) to your dog: no chanting “Sit, sit, sit,” “Stay, stay, stay,” “Down, down, down.” According to old-school dog trainers, you should “enforce” your “command” the first time, so that your dog “knows” he must “obey” promptly.

Is it bad to repeat commands to a dog?

For the record, the most well-known and respected dog behaviorist in the world, Dr. Ian Dunbar, is completely okay with repeating commands multiple times in some situations. ... If you start saying “sit” before dogs have any idea what you are trying to teach, they might think “sit” means to just look at you.

Why should you never repeat a cue when training a dog?

Most people would say that they want reliability, which is the act of getting a requested behavior on the first attempt – every time. If you repeat cues, you are teaching your dog to ignore the first, second or third request and turning your voice into meaningless background noise.

How many times should you tell your dog a command?

First there are basic commands, and then we jump into more advanced tricks. Aim to practice all of them with your dog two to three times a day for 10-15 minutes at a time. It should take a couple of weeks for your dog to catch on, but once they do you'll be set for a lifetime.

Do dogs learn by repetition?

Puppies and dogs learn by association, consistency and repetition. To acquire the appropriate association, it is up to you, to make it as simple as possible for your dog to make the connection of what you are commanding and the expected behavior.

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21 related questions found

How many repetitions does it take for a dog to learn a new trick?

Teaching your canine companion new tricks will take time, consistency, and above all else, persistence. Don't give up on the first try. It takes some dogs upwards of 42 repetitions over a period of days to learn a new command. Some pups can take even longer than that.

What are the 7 basic dog commands?

More specifically, a well-behaved pup should respond to seven directions in order to become a good canine citizen: Sit, Down, Stay, Come, Heel, Off, and No.

How many commands can a dog learn?

As for language, the average dog can learn 165 words, including signals, and the “super dogs” (those in the top 20 percent of dog intelligence) can learn 250 words, Coren says.

What order should I teach my dog commands?

According to Ray, the basic commands that every dog should learn (in this order) are: heel, sit, stay, and come.

What are puppy push ups What are the positions?

Sit is for the dog to drop his butt from a standing position. Push Up is to lift your front end up from a lying down position. Both behaviors end in a sit position, but they're not the same action for the dog – and the cue should direct an action!

What is a cue in dog training?

A cue is a name or label for a particular behavior. ... Once a behavior is on cue, the dog should only offer it upon perceiving the cue. The most common examples of cues in dog training are words like “sit” or “down,” or hand signals that prompt the same behavior.

How do you enforce a dog command?

Use a word of praise—“good dog” or “pretty!” or whatever you like—along with the reward, and eventually the word itself will become a reward. Be smart. If you're not in a position to enforce a command, don't give the command unless you know for certain your dog will obey.

Can I teach my dog commands in two languages?

Dogs are not innately bilingual, but you can teach them commands in any language, and if you want in two or more languages. In my dog school we learned that dogs respond best to visual signals. We initially taught them using visual signals and then switched to verbal commands.

What is a chain command in Behaviour?

The Chain Command or giving multiple commands simultaneously. Because we are giving the child several directives at the same time, the child may get confused, or he may forget one or more steps. An example of a chain command would be, “Open your math workbooks on page 344.

What is the most common Training Command taught to dogs?

Teaching your dog to sit is one of the most basic dog commands to teach your pup, thus making it a great one to start with. A dog who knows the “Sit” command will be much calmer and easier to control than dogs who aren't taught this simple command.

How do I train my dog to obey commands?

  • First, train your dog to sit. Make sure he has mastered this command before moving on to "stay."
  • Find an enclosed area where you know your dog won't be able to get away from you.
  • Give the command to sit, then tell your puppy to "stay." Take a few steps away. ...
  • Slowly take more steps while giving the command to stay.
  • What are the basic dog commands?

    15 Essential Commands to teach Your Dog
    • “ Watch Me” command.
    • “ Sit” command.
    • “ Down” command.
    • “ Stay” command.
    • “ Heel” command.
    • “ Wait” command.
    • “ Come” command.
    • “ Off” command.

    What is a dog's average IQ?

    What's The Average Dog's IQ? The average dog's IQ is about 100. Based on the results done to test a dog's IQ, it turned out that dogs, even the average ones, have the IQ same as a 2-years old human.

    What words do most dogs know?

    Average trained dogs know about 160 words.

    What is the stupidest dog breed?

    The 10 Dumbest Dog Breeds and Why They've Been Characterized as “Dumb”
  • Afghan Hound. The Afghan Hound is the “dumbest” dog. ...
  • Basenji. Basenjis also make the list of dumbest dog breeds. ...
  • Bulldog. Bulldogs are known for their stubbornness. ...
  • Chow Chow. Chow Chows can also be difficult to train. ...
  • Borzoi. ...
  • Bloodhound. ...
  • Pekingese. ...
  • Beagle.
  • What is the best method to train a dog?

    Here are seven of the most popular dog training methods used today and who might benefit most from using them.
  • Positive Reinforcement. (Picture Credit: Getty Images) ...
  • Scientific Training. ...
  • Clicker Training. ...
  • Electronic Training. ...
  • Model-Rival Or Mirror Training.
  • Alpha Dog Or Dominance. ...
  • Relationship-Based Training.
  • Which dog breed has a black tongue?

    If you've ever seen a Chow Chow, then you've probably noticed its unique blue-black tongue. Chow Chows, as well as Chinese Shar-Peis, actually require a blue-black tongue in its breed standard. And, believe it or not, these breeds aren't the only ones who may display a tongue color other than pink.

    What is the hardest trick to teach your dog?

    25 Most Difficult Tricks To Train Dogs
    • Wait. Demonstration. ...
    • Bark or Speak or Howl. Demonstration. ...
    • Army Crawling. Demonstration. ...
    • Spin. Demonstration. ...
    • Sit Pretty. Demonstration. ...
    • Go and Fetch. Demonstration. ...
    • Stand Tall (On Hind Legs) Demonstration. ...
    • Say Your Prayers. Demonstration.

    How long do dogs remember training?

    During the study researchers found that for dogs, events are typically forgotten after about two minutes. So how does your dog learn a new command if he can't remember the training session you had five minutes ago?
