Was does peruse mean?

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Full Definition of peruse transitive verb. 1a : to examine or consider with attention and in detail : study. b : to look over or through in a casual or cursory manner. 2 : read especially : to read over in an attentive or leisurely manner.

What is an example of peruse?

To peruse is defined as to read something carefully. An example of peruse is to read through the classified ads in a newspaper.

What did peruse used to mean?

Original Use of Peruse

One common object of study was, of course, the book, and by the early 1500s, peruse had come to mean, simply, "to read through or over." When a writer meant to convey something about the carefulness of a perusal, they did so by using a modifier.

What is a sentence for peruse?

Perused sentence example

Fred perused the article. As soon as they were seated, Cynthia perused the menu, bit her lip and ordered manhattans for both of them. Dean shrugged his shoulders and perused the reports, hoping the young man would take a hint and leave.

What is another word for peruse?

In this page you can discover 25 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for peruse, like: examine, investigate, scrutinize, scan, study, look-through, analyze, read, check, view and inspect.

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36 related questions found

What is a antonym for peruse?

Opposite of to examine carefully or at length. neglect. overlook. skim.

What is the best synonyms for perusal?

  • examination.
  • inspection.
  • research.
  • survey.

How do you use peruse?

1 : to look at or read (something) in an informal or relaxed way Would you like something to drink while you peruse [=look over] the menu? He perused the newspaper over breakfast. 2 : to examine or read (something) in a very careful way She perused [=studied] the lists closely.

How do you use pursue in a sentence?

  • [S] [T] She started pursuing him before he became famous. ( ...
  • [S] [T] Are you seriously thinking about pursuing a career as a race car driver? ( ...
  • [S] [T] The detectives pursued him. ( ...
  • [S] [T] They are pursuing the robber. ( ...
  • [S] [T] The police pursued the murderer. ( ...
  • [S] [T] Some people pursue only pleasure. (
  • How do you use similar in a sentence?

    We got remarkably similar results. I was going to say something similar. I would have reacted in a similar way if it had happened to me. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'similar.

    Is ruckus a slang word?

    a noisy commotion; fracas; rumpus: The losers are sure to raise a ruckus. a heated controversy: Newspapers fostered the ruckus by printing the opponents' letters.

    What does Peruser mean?

    verb (tr) to read or examine with care; study. to browse or read through in a leisurely way.

    What does have a gander mean?

    gander noun (LOOK)

    have/take a gander informal old-fashioned. to have a quick look: Let's take a gander at your new car, then.

    How do you use rictus in a sentence?

    He wiped the spittle away, his lips twisted in a rictus halfway between a snarl and a smile. These girls were laughing around me and I was laughing too but it was a rictus smile. David Whitton apparently had to massage Jack's face afterwards to help him get rid of the rictus smile he'd been wearing all morning.

    What is the sentence of illogic?

    Illogic sentence example

    As a result of this circular illogic , fundamental issues stay essentially the same, just getting worse year by year. To be honest this question attempts to use illogic to prove God does not exist instead of logic.

    How do you use trouvaille in a sentence?

    Examples of Trouvaille in a sentence

    "The rare coin was a trouvaille for the archaeologist." "My train ticket was in my pocket the whole time — what a trouvaille!"

    What does it mean to pursue something?

    to follow in order to overtake, capture, kill, etc.; chase. to follow close upon; go with; attend: Bad luck pursued him. to strive to gain; seek to attain or accomplish (an end, object, purpose, etc.).

    What does it mean for someone to pursue you?

    Pursue is defined as to follow or chase, to continue with or to try to get someone or something.

    Which is correct pursue or persue?

    Persue seems correct, but it doesn't exist in the English dictionary. Research says that it is the old way of spelling “Pursue,” but Wiktionary sees it as the common misspelling of the original word.

    Are you pursuing meaning?

    pursued; pursuing. Essential Meaning of pursue. 1 : to follow and try to catch or capture (someone or something) for usually a long distance or time Hounds pursued the fox for miles. The criminal is being pursued by police.

    How do you use the word synonym in a sentence?

    The term Polychaeta may no longer be valid because Polychaeta is likely a synonym for Annelida. Most of our uncorrupt political leaders were murdered and for many Colombians the word politician is now a synonym for corruption and abuse.

    What does it mean for your perusal?

    Perusal is the activity of carefully reading, poring over, or studying something with the intent of remembering it. Sometimes the word perusal is used incorrectly, as in, “I'll make a quick perusal of this document and then we'll start the meeting.” Don't do that.

    What is the meaning of for your kind perusal?

    It means there is a file attached to the email for you to read. " Peruse" means "look at", "examine", etc. " For your perusal" means "for you to see", "for you to read", "for your information", etc.

    What are antonyms for Promontory?

    • antinode.
    • node.
    • middle.
    • end.
