What do clouds do?
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No matter what shape or size they are, clouds are essential to life on Earth. During the day they help protect us from the sun's intense heat. At night they act as a blanket to keep us from getting too cold. They also provide precipitation and signal weather changes and patterns.
Do clouds have a purpose?
Clouds are essential to the earth-atmosphere system. ... Clouds help regulate Earth's energy balance by reflecting and scattering solar radiation and by absorbing Earth's infrared energy. Clouds are required for precipitation to occur and, hence are an essential part of the hydrologic cycle.
What do clouds give us?
Clouds are important for many reasons. Precipitation, like rain or snow, is one of those reasons. At night, clouds reflect heat back to the surface and keep it warmer. During the day, clouds can shade us from the sun and keep Earth cooler.
What do clouds do in science?
When air rises in the atmosphere it gets cooler and is under less pressure. When air cools, it's not able to hold all of the water vapor it once was. Air also can't hold as much water when air pressure drops. The vapor becomes small water droplets or ice crystals and a cloud is formed.
How do clouds regulate temperature?
Clouds also act as an “atmospheric blanket” that helps to regulate the temperature at Earth's surface. During the day, clouds reflect a portion of the solar energy that reaches Earth back into space. ... They radiate this heat back toward Earth, warming the lower regions of the atmosphere.
Beautiful Science - The Science of Clouds
44 related questions foundAre clouds hot or cold?
Clouds within a mile or so of Earth's surface tend to cool more than they warm. These low, thicker clouds mostly reflect the Sun's heat. This cools Earth's surface. Clouds high up in the atmosphere have the opposite effect: They tend to warm Earth more than they cool.
Do clouds cool the Earth?
Clouds cool Earth's surface by reflecting incoming sunlight. Clouds warm Earth's surface by absorbing heat emitted from the surface and re-radiating it back down toward the surface. Clouds warm or cool Earth's atmosphere by absorbing heat emitted from the surface and radiating it to space.
Can you touch a cloud?
Well, the simple answer is yes, but we will get into it. Clouds look like they would be fluffy and fun to play in, but they are actually made of trillions "cloud droplets". ... Nonetheless, if you were to be able to touch a cloud, it wouldn't really feel like anything, just a little wet.
Do clouds move or earth?
Clouds move in response to the local winds. Although the air immediately around you may be still, the winds are far stronger thousands of metres higher up. That is why clouds are usually in motion, even on apparently windless days. But part of a cloud's motion is indeed governed by Earth's rotation.
Why do clouds float?
The water and ice particles in the clouds we see are simply too small to feel the effects of gravity. As a result, clouds appear to float on air. Clouds are composed primarily of small water droplets and, if it's cold enough, ice crystals. ... So the particles continue to float with the surrounding air.
Is fog a cloud?
Fog is a cloud that touches the ground. ... Fog shows up when water vapor, or water in its gaseous form, condenses. During condensation, molecules of water vapor combine to make tiny liquid water droplets that hang in the air. You can see fog because of these tiny water droplets.
Are clouds liquid or gas?
The cloud that you see is a mixture of solids and liquids. The liquid is water and the solids are ice, cloud condensation nuclei and ice condensation nuclei (tiny particulates that water and ice condense on). The invisible part of clouds that you cannot see is water vapor and dry air.
Are clouds healthy?
Clouds regularly help shift dust, bacteria and other particles throughout the planet's surface. Clouds carry dust at a rate much faster than you might think. One estimate puts the amount of dust moving from Africa to a portion of the Amazon basin in South America at about 13 million tons annually [source: Phillips].
Why are clouds so low?
Most of the time this is because there is insufficient heating/lifting or moisture to cause deeper (taller) cloud development. These clouds are too thin to produce rain, lightning, or waterspouts.
What do clouds feel like?
“Cotton wool, cotton candy, fluffy, cool, wet ….” A simple garden pond decoration that produces mist by forcing water through a very fine mesh, combined with a large shallow bowl of water, creates a cloud for children to feel.
Why do clouds turn GREY?
It is the thickness, or height of clouds, that makes them look gray. ... The tiny water droplets and ice crystals in clouds are just the right size to scatter all colors of light, compared with the smaller molecules of air that scatter blue light most effectively. When light contains all colors, we perceive it as white.
Do clouds actually move?
Clouds move because the wind is carrying the parcel of cloudy air along. ... Sometimes there can be no wind on the ground, but cirrus clouds very high up can be seen moving because of the wind where they are. Some clouds, like the lenticular clouds that form over hills, are stationary even when the wind is strong.
What if Earth stopped spinning?
At the Equator, the earth's rotational motion is at its fastest, about a thousand miles an hour. If that motion suddenly stopped, the momentum would send things flying eastward. Moving rocks and oceans would trigger earthquakes and tsunamis. The still-moving atmosphere would scour landscapes.
Can you put a cloud in a jar?
Clouds are made of cold water vapor that is condensed into droplets of water around dust particles. Clouds are just fog high up in the sky. You can make a cloud in a jar by placing ice on top of a jar filled with hot water. ... Spraying the condensation with hair spray makes a cloud form!
Can you touch a rainbow?
In short, you can touch someone else's rainbow, but not your own. A rainbow is light reflecting and refracting off water particles in the air, such as rain or mist. ... However, it is possible to touch the water particles and refracted light (if you agree that you can touch light) of a rainbow that someone else is viewing.
Can you stand on a cloud?
Clouds are made of millions of these tiny liquid water droplets. The droplets scatter the colors of the sunlight equally, which makes clouds appear white. Even though they can look like cushy puffballs, a cloud can't support your weight or hold anything up but itself.
How cold is a cloud?
the cloud temperature at cloud top ranging from 150 to 340 K. the cloud pressure at top 1013 - 100 hPa. the cloud height, measured above sea level, ranging from 0 to 20 km. the cloud IR emissivity, with values between 0 and 1, with a global average around 0.7.
Do clouds reflect light?
Clouds also have a major role in reflecting some of the Sun's short wavelength (visible light) radiation back into space. The proportion of incident radiation reflected by a substance is called its albedo. The albedo of low thick clouds such as stratocumulus is about 90 percent.
Why do clouds become cool?
We know the following: Clouds cool the Earth by reflecting incoming sunlight. The tiny drops or ice particles in clouds scatter between 20 and 90 percent of the sunlight that strikes them, giving them their bright, white appearance. From space, clouds look bright whereas large bodies of water look dark.