What does boldness mean?

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Boldness is the opposite of fearfulness. To be bold implies a willingness to get things done despite risks. Boldness may be a property that only certain individuals are able to display.

What's meaning of boldness?

not hesitating or fearful in the face of actual or possible danger or rebuff; courageous and daring: a bold hero. not hesitating to break the rules of propriety; forward; impudent: He apologized for being so bold as to speak to the emperor.

What is an example of boldness?

An excessively bold person could aggressively ask for money, or persistently push someone to fulfill a request. The word "bold" may also be used as a synonym of "impudent"; for example, a child may be punished for being "bold" by acting disrespectfully toward an adult or by misbehaving.

What does Boldess mean?

Definitions of boldness. the trait of being willing to undertake things that involve risk or danger. “the proposal required great boldness” synonyms: daring, hardihood, hardiness. Antonyms: timidity, timorousness.

Does bold mean bad?

In standard English the primary meaning of the adjective bold is 'brave, courageous, unafraid, daring'. This can shade into a related, negative sense of impudence, brazenness, or presumption. ... When I first learned the word, though, it was in none of these senses: it meant 'naughty, mischievous'.

What is BOLDNESS? What does BOLDNESS mean? BOLDNESS meaning, definition & explanation

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What does bold child mean?

Bold is defined as free in behavior, or prominent. A person who is not afraid to speak up for what he believes, even to people with more power than him, is an example of someone who is bold. A child who is too confident and arrogant as a result of being spoiled is an example of a child who is overly bold.

Who is a bold person?

Someone who's bold is daring and brave. You might show how bold you are by climbing onto the roof of your house, or by speaking up when you see someone being treated unfairly. When you act in a bold way, you're taking some kind of risk; you could be risking physical danger, embarrassment, or your reputation.

What the Bible says about boldness?

What does the Bible say about boldness? Jesus died to cleans us of our sins, so we can boldly approach our God who is holy and without sin (Hebrews 4:16). God fills us with the Holy Spirit, who is bold and courageous (1 Timothy 1:7-8). We do not have to muster courage and strength on our own.

What does bold mean in text?

Bold, bold face, or bold font is any text that is darkened to help emphasize a remark or comment. For example, this is bold text.

How do you explain bold to a child?

Kids Definition of bold
  • 1 : willing to meet danger or take risks : daring bold knights.
  • 2 : not polite and modest : fresh a bold remark.
  • 3 : showing or calling for courage or daring a bold plan.
  • 4 : standing out prominently She has a face with bold features.
  • 5 : being or set in boldface.
  • What does bold girl mean?

    By definition, bold women are those who are clear about what they want and their purpose in life. ... Most importantly, bold women are resilient and courageous, especially in the face of the most difficult situations. You're not afraid to stand up for your beliefs and values, even if the majority disagrees with you.

    How can a man become bold?

    17 Bold Ways to Boost Your Confidence
  • Know the difference. ...
  • Discard the negative thoughts you don't need. ...
  • Learn your confidence areas. ...
  • Enter a state of strong positive emotion. ...
  • Forgive yourself. ...
  • Recognize confident role models. ...
  • Celebrate the failures of others (no, really). ...
  • Don't feel the need to say yes.
  • Is Bold a positive word?

    It really depends on the context, it can be both

    “Wow you're so bold” could be mean or nice, but is often nice.

    How do you express boldness?

    So if you want to be bold and unstoppable, here are some ways to kick start your momentum.
  • Pretend you're already bold. ...
  • Make the first move. ...
  • Do something unpredictable. ...
  • Ask for what you want. ...
  • Take risks. ...
  • Rediscover who you are.
  • Is being bold a good thing?

    Being bold builds your confidence.

    You will begin to believe in yourself more than you ever have before. As your brain begins to believe what you're saying, you'll start living your life in a different way.

    How do you bold your personality?

    Courage Exercises: 10 Ways to Practice Being Bold
  • Identify what scares you. ...
  • Describe your fears. ...
  • Break out of your routine. ...
  • Do something that makes you nervous. ...
  • Pursue a bold act of courage. ...
  • Connect with a mentor. ...
  • Acknowledge your strengths. ...
  • Embrace uncertainty.
  • What does big bold mean?

    large and capable of getting attention. (Usually refers to things, not people.)

    What are some bold actions?

    Boldness is a leadership trait to be mastered. Here are actions that make bold people admirable.
    • They own their flaws and strengths. ...
    • They keep clear priorities. ...
    • They speak up. ...
    • They pair action with knowledge. ...
    • They accept the value of failure. ...
    • They make the most of small wins. ...
    • They build momentum.

    Why does God want us to be bold?

    As Christians, though, we will face circumstances that require us to be bold in order to stand for Christ. For example, Jesus' disciples prayed and asked for boldness. They knew that in order to spread their message and make Jesus known, they could not rely on only their strength.

    What does bold as a lion mean?

    The secret to being as “bold as a lion”-to being fearless, confident, and relentless in the pursuit of what we seek-is the conviction that what we are doing is what we are supposed to be doing.

    What does social boldness mean?

    Written by Alyssa Clementi. Social Boldness: The social boldness trait measures the level of how bold individuals are in the workplace and the extent to which they are hesitant or outgoing in situations. The two values are: Hesitant: Individuals who feel less comfortable in social situations.

    Is Boldness a personality trait?

    To be bold is something that many people strive for. It is an admirable personality trait, and it is a strong one.

    What is bold Behaviour?

    adj. 1 courageous, confident, and fearless; ready to take risks. 2 showing or requiring courage.
