Which shall be applied mutatis mutandis?

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The provisions of this Agreement relating to the Deposited Securities shall apply MUTATIS MUTANDIS to any other securities into which the Deposited Securities or any of them may be exchanged, converted, changed, reclassified, subdivided or consolidated.

Shall be applied mutatis mutandis meaning?

Literal Meaning

With things changed that should be changed.

How do you use mutatis mutandis in a sentence?

1, The question of establishment raised mutatis mutandis other causes dear to radical hearts. 2, Is there any reader of these lines mutatis mutandis, the same statement could be truthfully made? 3, The provisions of this Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to undertakings accepted under Article 18.

Is mutatis mutandis applicable?

Mutatis mutandis is a Medieval Latin phrase meaning "with things changed that should be changed" or "once the necessary changes have been made". ...

What does the Latin phrase mutatis mutandis mean?

Related Content. A Latin expression meaning with the necessary changes having been made or with consideration of the respective differences.

Mutatis Mutandis & Valuation Practice Restriction

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What does mutatis mutandis mean in economics?

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Non compos mentis in a Sentence ?
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    mutatis mutandis - Meaning in Marathi

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    What is meaning of ipso facto in law?

    Legal Definition of ipso facto

    : by that very fact or act : as an inevitable result drove the getaway car and was ipso facto an accessory. History and Etymology for ipso facto. New Latin, literally, by the fact itself.

    How do you use ipso facto in a sentence?

    You use ipso facto when you have a fact or an action, and you want to show that it's a direct consequence of another fact or action. Here's an example: Peter's son was born in Argentina and he ipso facto has a claim to Argentinean citizenship. In this case, ipso facto precedes the word it modifies.

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    What does all other things being equal mean in economics?

    Ceteris paribus is a Latin phrase that generally means "all other things being equal." In economics, it acts as a shorthand indication of the effect one economic variable has on another, provided all other variables remain the same.

    What does ceteris paribus means in economics?

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    How do you use functus officio in a sentence?

    ER 417). In this case, the court had held that once a Judge passes an order which has been entered in the register, he becomes functus officio. This means that after this, he no longer has the capacity to vary the terms of his order.
