Why are nuchal lines important?

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The superior nuchal line provides an attachment surface on its inferomedial side for the semispinalis capitis muscle, and on its inferolateral side for the obliquus capitis superior.

What does the inferior nuchal line do?

Running from the middle of the median nuchal line, across either half of the nuchal plane is the inferior nuchal line. The inferior nuchal line and the area below it receive the insertions of the Recti capitis posteriores major and minor.

Why is the Ligamentum Nuchae important?

It is a tendon-like structure that has developed independently in humans and other animals well adapted for running. In some four-legged animals, particularly ungulates, the nuchal ligament serves to sustain the weight of the head.

What is the nuchal area?

nuchal region –> posterior region of neck. The back of neck, including the suboccipital region. Synonym: regio nuchalis, nuchal region, posterior neck region, regio cervicalis posterior.

How many nuchal lines are there?

The nuchal lines are four curved lines on the external surface of the occipital bone: The upper, often faintly marked, is named the highest nuchal line, and to it the galea aponeurotica is attached.

Prominent nuchal lines

38 related questions found

Where is the nuchal line on the skull?

The nuchal lines are distinct curved lines on the exterior of the occipital bone, which makes up the rear base of the skull. The nuchal lines are distinct curved lines on the exterior of the occipital bone, which makes up the rear base of the skull.

Do cervical ligaments heal?

Neck sprains, like other sprains, will usually heal gradually, given time and appropriate treatment. You may have to wear a soft collar around your neck to help support the head and relieve pressure on the ligaments so they have time to heal.

What does the ligamentum nuchae connect?

Extends from the external occipital protuberance on the skull and median nuchal line, to the spinous process of C7. The deep fibers of the ligament attach to the external occipital crest, the posterior tubercle of the atlas, and to the medial surface of the bifid processes of the other cervical vertebrae.

Why are cervical vertebrae prone to dislocation in whiplash injuries?

Anterior longitudinal ligament injuries in whiplash may lead to cervical instability. They explain that during the retraction phase that is when the actual "whiplash" occurs, since there is an unusual loading of soft tissues.

What is superior nuchal line?

Extending lateralward from the external occipital protuberance on either side are two curved lines, one a little above the other. The lower is termed the superior nuchal line. The superior nuchal line gives origin to the Occipitalis and Trapezius, and insertion to the Sternocleidomastoideus and Splenius capitiT.

What is a nuchal furrow?

noun The posterior groove on the cephalon of a trilobite, dividing the glabella from the occipital segment. Also called nuchal furrow .

What does the Splenius capitis do?

Function. Bilaterally, the splenius capitis muscles extend and hyper-extend the head and neck. However, acting unilaterally, the muscle flexes and rotates the head and neck to the same side; particularly in the superior and inferior lateral oblique movements.

What are the attachments of the ligamentum flavum?

Attachments. The ligament flavum arises from the lower half of the anterior surface of the lamina above and attaches to the posterior surface and upper margin of the lamina below, forming a cup-like grasp on the upper border of the lamina below.

What muscle originates from the ligamentum nuchae?

The ligamentum nuchae is formed primarily from the aponeurotic attachments of the adjacent and subjacent musculature. From superficial to deep, these muscles are the trapezius; rhomboideus minor; splenius capitis; and the serratus posterior superior.

Should you massage a pulled neck muscle?

Gently rub the area to relieve pain and help with blood flow. Do not massage the area if it hurts to do so. Do not do anything that makes the pain worse. Take it easy for a couple of days.

When should I worry about neck injury?

Seek medical care if your neck pain is accompanied by numbness or loss of strength in your arms or hands or if you have shooting pain into your shoulder or down your arm.

How should I sleep if my neck hurts?

If you're dealing with neck discomfort, the best positions for sleep are on your back or side. These are both less stressful on your spine than sleeping on your stomach. It may be difficult to change your sleeping position, since your preferred position is often determined early in life.

What is the weakest part of the skull?

Clinical significance

The pterion is known as the weakest part of the skull. The anterior division of the middle meningeal artery runs underneath the pterion. Consequently, a traumatic blow to the pterion may rupture the middle meningeal artery causing an epidural haematoma.

Is the mastoid process a bone?

Mastoid process, the smooth pyramidal or cone-shaped bone projection at the base of the skull on each side of the head just below and behind the ear in humans.

Where is the sphenoid?

An unpaired bone located in the cranium (or skull), the sphenoid bone, also known as the “wasp bone,” is located in the middle and toward the front of the skull, just in front of the occipital bone.

Is your skull the same on both sides?

Not everyone has the same skull shape, and normal variations exist among individuals. The skull is not perfectly round or smooth, so it is normal to feel slight bumps and ridges. However, a dent in the head, especially if it is new, requires a trip to the doctor to determine the cause.
